Join us Tuesday, November 12, from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm, for a panel between Grace Kook-Anderson, Marjorie Dial, Jeffry Mitchell, and Iván Carmona on contemporary ceramics. The panel will discuss how ceramics, as an art form, have become increasingly appreciated as fine art and have become more expressive of emotions, politics, and place.
Helzer Gallery Takes Work of Artist and Former PCC Student Marjorie Dial Virtual
November 5, 2020
The Helzer Gallery Featured Artist Program is a series of virtual programming created to introduce the audience to the work and creative practice of various artists. The first featured artist is former PCC student Marjorie Dial, who works from Portland and North Carolina. Her interest in a career as an artist and ceramicist began after taking several ceramics classes at Rock Creek with art faculty Micki Skudlarczyk.
Photos and Story by Alfredo V. Moreno
Studio Visit in North Carolina
November 1, 2020
Helzer Gallery Featured Artist Marjorie Dial walks us through her studio practice of sculptural ceramics and drawing and talks about running the North Carolina artist residency program, Township 10.
Official Launch of Township10
February 1, 2020
Thrilled to be launching the artist residency in Western North Carolina. This project has been a labor of love and an extension of my art practice. The first artist in residence is Jeffry Mitchell. He will be supported by studio tech Kyle Lawson.
For more information www.township10.org
Artist Talk and Film Screening
October 25, 2019
Artist and mentor Heather Watkins will interview Marjorie Dial about her current installation SKY INSIDE. Stay afterwards for the Portland premier of the documentary film Cielo, a cinematic reverie on the night sky in Chile’s Atacama desert.
Residency at Center for Contemporary Ceramics CSULB
June 1, 2019
Incredibly excited to be invited to the summer residency at the Center for Contemporary Ceramics at California State University at Long Beach. An absolute dream to work with these artists in these facilities with the leadership of Tony Marsh and Christopher Miles.
“Marjorie Dial will join us a Summer Studio 2019 Resident Artist of the CSULBCCC. A recent grad of the Oregon College of Art and Craft her commemorative and ritual vessels explore topics of myth, desire, transformation and the shadow self.”
MFA in Craft Award of Distinction
May 19, 2019
I was incredibly honored to receive the MFA in Craft Award of Distinction from the Oregon College of Art and Craft in 2019. MFA Chair Karl Burkheimer awarded this at the final commencement ceremony for the now, (tragically) closed school.